My Wife Had Received Me Many Times Before The Holy Spirit Led Me to Her
WiGRadio Team: Can we meet you ma and sir.
Mr. Sam Babatope: I’m Sam Babatope.A business man and a pastor.
Mrs. Busayo Babatope: I’m Babatope Busayo. A business woman and a pastor’s wife.
WiGRadio Team: Nice to meet you sir and ma.
WiGRadio Team: Please share with us your salvation experience sir and ma.
Mr. Sam Babatope: I was born in a Christian home. I am number 4 of 6 family. My father was a Pastor till death. I was the only black sheep among the family. My mother prayed me into receiving Christ when I was out of secondary school. I gave my life at age 17. And since then, I have been following Christ.
WiGRadio Team: Did you ever feel pressured to become a Pastor since your father was Pastor till he died sir?
Mr. Sam Babatope: Mine was a prophet. He did not know I will become a Pastor. I did not like to become a Pastor but I love God. I can tell him am not interested when he called me.
WiGRadio Team: So at what point did you know that you have a calling upon your life?
Mr. Sam Babatope: Since when I was in ND 2, 19 years ago.
Mrs. Busayo Babatope: I got saved in year 2005, I had an encounter with God during a crusade that took place in Port Harcourt. I came from a Christian home anyway, but my parent didn’t know God as such, but they didn’t joke with church activities. Anytime they are going to church we must follow them.
WiGRadio Team: Wow! This is inspiring. So, how did you both meet each other?. And how did you know you both are for each other?
Mr. Sam Babatope: I met my wife while I was in school we live in the same fellowship compound. She was in her ND days when I met her. I have this habit of gathering everybody inside the house for fellowship every morning. So one day I just went inside her room and God told me that there’s something that she wants to tell me. I did not know that she has received me many times and she didn’t tell me anything. She was just praying that God should reveal himself to me also. I went to meet her again because it was so strong within me that there’s something that she wants to tell me. She later told me and I didn’t propose. I asked of her spiritual father. I reported the issue to my spiritual parents and also to her own spiritual parent. So they opened us into courtship after a year. I have been hearing God clearly before then. Leading me into different things. So marriage was not an exemption.
Mrs. Busayo Babatope: I met my hubby while in school, we lived in the same fellowship compound.
WiGRadio Team: Was it love at first sight or a divine leading?
Mr. Sam Babatope: Divine leading and fortunately she is my spec. She fine well well.
Mrs. Busayo Babatope: To be sincere with you, it wasn’t love at first sight, I saw some attributes in him, then he was God fearing and up till now his relationship with God is till very much intact. Getting married to him, I can say that it is divine arrangement from God.
WiGRadio Team: Sir, Wow. But did you have any thought that what she wanted to tell you has anything to do with “receiving for marriage”?

Mr. Sam Babatope: Not at all because,at times people share different burdens with me because of how I took responsibility over every one.
WiGRadio Team: These days it’s very hard to believe and rare. How did you both keep yourselves in check in courtship?
Mr. Sam Babatope: We have yearly target. Every year for a project and each one must deliver. Most times when we see, it is for appraisal.
WiGRadio Team: Wow! Beautiful. So the focus was more on individual growth and not really on the feeling either of you was having for each other.
WiGRadio Team: Was there any form of relunctance on your part to receive him as God’s will for you when you were first led to him ma? Or he ticked all the boxes as your kind of man and receiving him was not a struggle at all?
Mrs. Busayo Babatope: I was a bit reluctant, when he came to propose, we were very close then, I thought it was flesh,until God revealed him to me, I wasn’t the only lady living there, he was as close to me as he was to other sisters that were living in the house with us.
WiGRadio Team: A sister being the first to receive a brother for marriage and also being the first to tell the brother is not a common thing, not then, not now, ma, how did you summon the courage to tell Brother Samuel at the time that God told you he is your husband even when he had not in anyway given any sign that he is interested in you at the time?
Mrs. Busayo Babatope: When I saw the revelation, I didn’t tell him anything, but I told a friend, the day I told my friend, I left her house, on my way coming back home, immediately I stepped in, he heard my voice, he called me and said that the holy Spirit is telling him that I have a matter to discuss with him, and I said no. So two days later, he came to meet me and said holy spirit can’t lie. It was I shared my own part of the revelation. He later asked me that, do I have a spiritual father and I said yes, he told me to report the matter to him which I did .When my spiritual father prayed about it and told me that is a good man, then told him the revelation that I saw about him. He later said he would like to see him physically and he went to see him.
WiGRadio Team: Sir, what were your families reactions to the news of your union? Were you readily accepted by her family and was your family readily accepting of her?
Mr. Sam Babatope: Yes, no issues.
WiGRadio Team: Sir, how have you been able to effectively manage being a pastor, a husband and present daddy?

Mr. Sam Babatope: God’s wisdom and continuous learning. Roles and duty must be learned in marriage like every other profession. Any role you assume by age or opportunities without preparation and a learning heart will become a problem.
WiGRadio Team: There’s no marriage without differences and misunderstandings. How have you two been able to handle misunderstandings in your marriage?
Mr. Sam Babatope: We have a rule. No issues wait till the next day. Once she don give me food matter finish.
Mrs. Busayo Babatope: He has said it, no issue is allowed to stay till the following day, no matter how painful the matter is, we must settle it before going to sleep.
WiGRadio Team: What would you say have contributed to the success of your marriage so far?
Mrs. Busayo Babatope: The first thing is good communication and understanding.
WiGRadio Team: Any advice for intending couples?
Mr. Sam Babatope: Seek knowledge about marriage, let your walk with holy spirit be real and authentic.
Mrs. Busayo Babatope: My advice to the intending couples, marry someone that love and fear God. Make sure you love him, your love for him will cover his weakness.
WiGRadioTeam: what do you have to say to couples that are going through a seemingly unending problem in their marriage?
Mr. Sam Babatope: Seek counsel from Godly marriage counselor. The real problem in marriage is ignorance. From the word ignore.
Mrs. Busayo Babatope: They should take time to study each other very well. They should learn from a good Christian home.They can just pay them a visit and learn how they are running their home and how things are working for them. They should read books that talk about a happy home
WiGRadioTeam: Lastly, Ma, what do you also have to say to sisters and brothers in the waiting room?
Mrs. Busayo Babatope: .The sisters and brothers in the waiting room, should also work on their character because likes attracts likes. Allow God to lead you. Don’t choose by choice, but choose by divine leading so that the marriage can stand the test of time.
WiGRadioTeam: Thank you very much sir and ma. We had a blessed time learning what it means to walk with God.Thank you for your time, we pray that the Lord will continue to uphold your home.