Reaching The World With Goodnews

by Opeyeoluwa Lawal


Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power?
Are you washed in the blood of the lamb?
Are you fully trusting in His grace this hour?
Are you washed in the blood of the lamb?

Are you washed, in the blood?
In the soul-cleansing blood of the Lamb
Are your garments spotless?
Are they white as snow?
Are you washed in the blood of the lamb?

“Again, he sent out other slaves saying, ‘Tell those who have been invited, “Behold, I have prepared my dinner; my oxen and my fattened livestock are all butchered and everything is ready; come to the wedding feast.”
Matthew 22:4

The music played in the background with the accompanying sonorous voice by a lady dressed as one of the cherubim. She was a sight to behold. She stood elegantly gesticulating with her arms as she sang to the tune. The organ was strategically placed at the front centre of the hall where everyone could hear its melodious tunes. The Organist played on with his eyes closed. You could tell he was immersed in the song. It was one of the President’s favourite tunes.

The PRESIDENT had organized a banquet of all men in the Province. A banquet that they should all come to dine with Him because his son was getting married. His only son, Emmanuel. Emmanuel was the heir to the Father’s throne. Covenant kingdom was a sight to behold. Its cities were paved with gold and no dirtiness was allowed.

The President was very proud of his son and made sure everyone knew about it. Story has it that Emmanuel had done the bidding of the father at a very difficult time. He went to the war front to fight a battle that could have cost his life. therefore, the President did not hesitate to give him the best of his resources. He would often say to anyone who cared to listen ‘This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.’ (Matthew 3: 17).

He planned a very big party. Invites were sent out to all men both rich and poor, great and mighty and honourable men alike. The invitation stipulated a dress code. All men from neighbouring kingdoms were given the invitation to the banquet without discrimination. Some received it with joy, others did not. Some did not read its requirements, only the date and venue. Therefore, there was no adequate preparation on their part.

A lot of preparation had gone into the party.

Guests were due to arrive in some minutes time. The President had given instructions on how the party would go. The Chief Steward, gorgeously and neatly dressed I’m white called an assembly of the guards of the Presidential Chambers to further remind them of those instructions.

‘The day we have been waiting for has arrived.’ He addressed them.

The stewards were equally gorgeously dressed in white with tints of gold. They were heavenly and they looked professional.

‘Yes’ They chorused.

‘We will be expecting a large number of people from all walks of life. As we all know, the President has invited ALL into this banquet but we know that not all will be allowed into this place. The master has stipulated that only those who follow the instructions on the invite sent to them will be allowed in. so we should be watchful and ensure that we comply with his wishes.’ The Chief Steward Continued.

‘Be on your guard’. He said as he turned to leave.

Alright sir’, They chorused each moving to his point of duty.

OPEYEOLUWA is a Christian writer who has been called to write to encourage people in times of weariness according to Isaiah 50:4. Ope, as she is fondly called loves God and His works. She loves to teach and she researches during her spare time. She is married to Olawale Perfect.

Follow ope on IG : @opestarlawal
Facebook: opeyeoluwa opestar Ajayi
Twitter: @opeyeoluwalawal

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