Reaching The World With Goodnews



It came as a shock when he proposed to me and I was confused because his appearance does not look like it. – Bride

WIG Media Team: Can we meet you?

Mr. Oluwatosin Oliyide: I’m Oliyide Oluwatosin Abraham. I am a Quantity Surveyor by profession. I’m from Ogun State and of course a Son of the Most High.

Miss Bankole Deborah: I am Bankole Deborah Oluwaseun. A pharmaceutical Technologist and Teens coach.

WIG Media Team: Nice to meet you sir and ma. We’ll let the lady go first. Ma, kindly tell us your salvation experience.

Miss Deborah Bankole: I was saved during my ND days, in August 2016. My personal encounter was at one of the JCCF program “tagged Jesus Week”. After listening to the powerful message delivered by the invited guest. It was like something came upon me, I felt the hand of God upon my heart. I realized I had tears on my face. For the first time in my life, I was conscious of the presence of God. I had never felt that way in my life even though I was born into a Christian home. The same day I was baptized in the Holy Ghost. I felt a huge burden was lifted off me. During this experience, I learned how to build an intimacy with Christ, and knowing the word of God wasn’t enough but believing in Him and letting people see Christlike in my lifestyle. Thanks to God for his love that found me. His grace has been sufficient for me with my walk in Christ.

WIG Media Team: And how has been the journey since you got saved ma?

Miss Deborah Bankole: It’s a sweet thing to know Jesus. My journey with God has been great. Thank God for his dealings in my life.

WIG Media Team : Sir, please share with us when and how you came to know the Lord and develop a personal relationship with Him.

Mr. Oluwatosin Oliyide: Okay ma,
Well I grew up from a Christian home, so I was raised in God’s way. But I became more intentional in knowing the Lord when I was on campus, I devoted my all at a meeting I attended then (SOV Guys Summit) then in 2012 and the journey ever since then has been great.

WIG Media Team: So sir, when and how did you meet your angel and wife-to-be?

Mr. Tosin Oliyide: I actually met my wife-to-be on August 22, 2020 a beautiful day like that, at a friend’s wedding during the pandemic period.

WIG Media Team: Ma, Can you share with us when and how you met Mr. Tosin? And how did you know he is The One?
Was it through a dream? Trance or…? (Please share with us ma)

Miss Deborah Bankole: We met at one of our fellowship alumni’s wedding during pandemic period. How I knew he is the one…Hmmm! It took me time before I knew he was the one for me. At first, we started talking as papa to great-grand-daughter (fellowship things) we graduated into being friends, it was purely friendship based with no strings attached at all. During the period we were friends, we got to know a lot about each other. In a twinkle of an eye ,our friendship led to relationship. It was a long distance relationship as at when we started. I was serving at Akwa Ibom and he was in Lagos. We decided to communicate at all time to build bond between us. We ensure we communicate very well, we discussed the kind of marriage we want. We pray, study, read books, watch movies, attend programmes & seminars, listen to messages, and go out together. Also, we share lessons we’ve learnt after listening to messages and do book review together. We also do relationship evaluation to know if we are still on track .We share any personal issues we are going through and provide solutions to it. We’ve been so intentional about our relationship to make the best out out of it. At the time we became friends, my mind was with another brother thinking it was the person. I wasn’t seeing it coming that he was the one for me because there was no spark at all and I see him as my friend and nothing more again. After all, he wasn’t in the list of my kind of man. It came as a shock when he proposed to me and I was kind of confused because his appearance doesn’t looks like it. He told me to pray about it after he made his intentions known to me. Immediately, I informed my Mentor, Parents and two of my kingdom friends to pray along with me. I prayed about it and the first thing I got was peace of mind but I wasn’t satisfied. My dad is also a minister of God, he confirmed that he is the one. Also, I got same confirmation from my mentor and one of my kingdom sisters.One of my school momma that doesn’t know about It also confirmed it. Then, I got my confirmation through God’s word which was “Isaiah 53:2”. Until I was sure of my conviction and received go ahead from my mentor, before I said YES to him. I got to know a lot is imbedded in him even when his appearance doesn’t looks like it. It has been a beautiful journey so far.

WIG Media Team: Wawu. You have been indeed intentional about the relationship, and it seems like a really balanced one…you pray and study together, do book reviews, attend seminars and even create time to watch movies together. Nice one sir and ma.

WIG Media Team: How did you know she is the one?

Mr. Oluwatosin Oliyide: She ticked all the boxes the Lord gave me as a sign. And me I was jejely taking note of cogent details about her which were all in alignment with all I had received in my waiting days.

WIG Media Team: What were the boxes she ticked sir? Pray, tell!

Mr. Oluwatosin Oliyide: She is a woman on a mission. Fervent in spirit. Zealous towards the Father’s business. Also a medical personnel.

WIG Media Team: Nice, nice. What does physical attraction mean to you in all these, sir? Did you consider it at all, or you completely relegated it to the back?

Mr. Oluwatosin Oliyide: Well, that wasn’t really considered, because I didn’t even get to meet her physically until November 2022 when she came back from her youth service. My gaze was in that which is more valuable inside of her not the outward appearance.

WIG Media Team: So we will be right to assume that it has been a smooth sail up to this point since you both took your relationship to the next level? Have you had any major misunderstanding? If yes, how were you able to resolve it?

Miss Deborah Bankole: I believe there’s no relationship without ups and downs. We come from different backgrounds and our upbringing is different. Yes, misunderstandings will surely pop up in a relationship. It’s inevitable. We come to understand each other very well and ensure we solve it amicably

Mr. Oluwatosin Oliyide: Well, as I would always say, God has been faithful all through, since He’s the Sailor of our relationSHIP, all has been going on well.
Of course there’s always a season in a relationship where things might look as if it’s not working but one just need to create a system around one’s relationship to make it work. That’s where Responsibility comes to play.

WIG Media Team: Hmm….Can you share with us a specific instance of when you both did not agree on a matter? How were you able to responsibly manage the situation?

Mr. Oluwatosin Oliyide: A perfect instance is during the early stage of our wedding preparations. Whenever I’m not in support of a thing, she’s always just calm to listen to me all through and when I’m calm, she brings it up and then we discuss and talk about it and that settles it. Vice versa.

WIG Media Team: Nice. This speaks to Proverbs 15:1 which says “A soft word turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

WIG Media Team: Ma, what does a godly courtship mean to you ma and sir?

Miss Deborah Bankole: Christian courtship is a period where two people have agreed to walk together in marriage (Amos 3:3). It’s this period where they get to know each other and abide by the rules that govern a godly relationship. Know each other purposes and God’s plan for their marriage.

Mr. Oluwatosin Oliyide: Okay, I see a Christian Courtship as a mutual commitment between a man and a woman who has prayerfully and purposefully seek God’s plan for them in marriage. They are rooted in purpose, spiritual growth and have the desire to be whom God has called them to be.

WIG Media Team: Yes sir, what was the reception like from her parents and relatives?

Mr. Oluwatosin Oliyide: They received me with both arms and legs ni o. My first meeting was beautiful with the whole family, like we’ve known each other before. Very accommodating.

WIG Media Team: How has been the preparation of the wedding?
What is that very essential thing you will advise a fellow brother who planning to get married soon to pay a serious attention to?

Mr. Oluwatosin Oliyide: Well, God has been faithful. Though it’s not easy even this out present economy but one thing is we are not governed by the economy of this world but by God’s economy so when men say there is a casting down, our testimony is entirely different cuz there’s always a lifting for us. Men will definitely fail you, but you see this our Good God, He no dey ever disappoint. Just put all your trust in Him and I tell you, your testimony will be loud.

WIG Media Team: Lastly and lastly, what aspect of your coming together do you look forward to most?

Mr. Oluwatosin Oliyide: Raising giants across the globe together.

Miss Deborah Bankole: Raising Soldiers for Christ and making an impact

WIG Media Team: Glory to God! Words cannot expressive what an exciting and insightful session it was with you tonight sir and ma.

Mr. Oluwatosin Oliyide: Thank you all for having us.

Miss Deborah Bankole: Thanks for having us

WIG Media Team: We’ve learnt alot interacting with you Mr. and Mrs. Oliyide. And we pray that your marriage will indeed be heaven on earth. It shall draw more souls to the Kingdom and to the glory of God. Looking forward to celebrating with you on your big day!

Cephas Ibrahim David
Omowunmi O. Oyindamola

Collated by:
Angel Uzochukwu
Edited by:
Omowunmi O. Abolade

  1. Osuntoyinbo Oluwatobiloba says

    Good day, I’m Osuntoyinbo Oluwatobiloba. I testify Oluwaseun bankole to be a God fearing sister because it’s been almost a decade we’ve known each other and she’s been awesome all through. I pray God bless her new home abundantly. Amen.

  2. Mary iluyomade says

    Congratulation to you both, Mr Abraham God has indeed blessed you with the bone of your bone.the journey of I and Deborah started 2016 till date, hmmm she is a true Angel on mission, Oluwaseun can sacrifice her comfort for others, she want everybody to be happy even if it will cost her own happiness, as a young lady then she’s already carrying the heart of a sister, a heart of a mother, even a heart of a father,the Lord really endowed her with so must beauty’s physically and spiritually,
    Deborah as you start a new face of life today,I pray heaven will journey with you,God will be the king over your home and the peace of God will not depart from your home.
    Mimi and Nana wish you a blissful home in your marriage.

  3. Adeoye Hope says

    Congratulations, Deborah
    God bless the union

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