Reaching The World With Goodnews



Apostle Michael Orokpo took to his Instagram account to celebrate his beautiful wife on the occasion of her birthday, 6th January, 2022.

He celebrated her with heartfelt words.

Mrs Osenega Orokpo

The widely celebrated Apostle wrote:

Indeed it is not good for the man to be alone and he who finds a wife, finds a good thing and obtains favour from the Lord; the last 9 months of my life has proven the infallibility of scripture. You have brought beauty, peace, joy and stability to my life.

Your daily actions reveal impeccable loyalty, submission and respect laced with love and meekness. Evidently, you are a woman well brought up by her parents, schooled by the word of God and continuously guided by the Holyghost.

Apostle Michael Orokpo

He continued:

I can’t begin to thank God enough for your intelligent interactions, wise counsels,  effective priesthood, dogged faith, absolute submission and genuine love; you are a perfect blend of civilization and morality, beauty and value, class and simplicity, power and brokenness, love and understanding; God packaged all in you.

For your love, God bless you
For your submission, God bless you
For your sacrifice, God bless you
For your faith in me, God bless you
For your Godly character, God bless you
For your patience with me, God bless you
For everything you are and have being, God bless you. It’s a new season for you and you are only permitted to flourish and flourish on every side. I am honoured to walk through life with you my love.

Happy birthday
Osenaga Orokpo.

Apostle Michael OROKPO and his wife wedded in the month of April in the year 2021.

Apostle and Mrs Orokpo

We wish his beautiful wife a happy birthday and many more years in the land of the living.

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