Reaching The World With Goodnews



When I think of those special teachers who made the biggest impact in my life. I see my Literature teacher in high school, whose enthusiasm for internationalism opened my eyes to a world beyond my own.

I remember my math tutor , who spent extra hours coaching and encouraging me when I faced performance hurdles.

I think especially of my “first” teachers, Mom and Dad, and the lessons of love they taught by their own untiring examples.

But when I consider the one teacher who most inspires me and millions upon millions today, I find Christ Jesus to be the greatest teacher of all time.

In the Bible it’s recorded that his listeners

were astounded at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority” (Mark 1:22, New Revised Standard Version).

He used inspired symbolism and stories and parables to illustrate the spiritual truths He taught.

He asked questions from his listeners – got them thinking in new ways. He taught in poor places and wealthy ones, to the educated and to the outcasts, along the roadsides, in fishing boats, and by a well.

And He taught by example. We see Jesus praying, healing the sick, forgiving his enemies, and being “moved with compassion” (e.g., Mark 6:34).

His actions defined God anew to humanity as divine Love, the All-Father, who is wholly good and ever present to heal and save.

Remarkably, Jesus never took credit as a personal teacher.

He said,
“I have not spoken on my own, but the Father who sent me has himself given me a commandment about what to say and what to speak” (John 12:49, NRSV).

He was inspired by God at all times, teaching and living from the basis of his spiritual unity with his Father.

In fact, his spiritual individuality was the eternal Christ, the divine manifestation of God, which redeems humanity from ignorance, sickness, and sin.

Jesus helped in reconciling man to God by giving man a truer sense of Love, the divine Principle of Jesus’ teachings, and this truer sense of Love redeems man from the law of matter, sin, and death by the law of Spirit, – the law of divine Love.

One of my favorite sayings of Jesus he uttered at the close of his teaching career:

Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world” (Matthew 28:20).

And “I” in this passage indicates the spiritual, ever-present, eternal Christ, or Truth, which Christ Jesus, the Son of God, manifested and which is here for me and you today.

As we celebrate World Teachers Day this week, let’s not forget The Greatest Teacher– Our Lord Jesus Christ

Morayo Adeniyi

1 Comment
  1. Hope Temitope says

    Nice piece.
    The greatest teacher with simplicity and symbolism, he taught.

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